Monday, May 09, 2005

step aside for greatness

Wow. I can’t believe nobody’s posted here since Wednesday. Pathetic. Well, if this space is just going to lie fallow like this, then it’s time for me to inject some zazz into it. First, I suppose, I should introduce myself. My name is Rod Longfellow. I am the most confident man you could hope to meet, and with good reason. I am skilled at most things, and those things which I am unskilled at (e.g., modesty) are unimportant and for weak, pathetic little babies. Perhaps you think modesty is a good thing. Well, it was not modesty that made me vice-president in charge of sales at a VERY important business which I cannot name to the likes of you. Suffice it to say that we make things that kill people who stand in the way of progress. No, modesty didn’t get me here. It may have had something to do with my barrel chest, or the fashion sense that tells me when to hate the things I once loved, or the smooth talk that drives the not-so-smart ladies wild. WILD! Mmmm, double-digit IQ is like blood in the water for this great white shark. Anyway, if you want to know what your problem is, why you have all your little cry baby anxieties, check back in the next time I’m on the scene. I am your ideal self. I am what Ralph Lauren models dare not dream. I am Rod Longfellow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Rod, I have a problem: I'm never sure what to think about men who chose names that are even less subtle than Dirk Diggler, then talk about scoring babes. Can you provide me with any enlightenment?

- Les Nessman

11:15 p.m.  
Blogger H. Now said...

What do you mean chose this name? This name chose me, Rod Longfellow. Just as the ladies choose me, Rod Longfellow. So yeah, I'll give you some enlightenment, then you go work on your past and present verb tenses, capiche? Ladies don't like to make choices. It hurts their tiny brains. So, don't ASK a lady out, that's not the Rod Longfellow way. TELL a lady she's got a date with you, and she's lucky to have it. She'll thank you the next morning. RL.

7:59 a.m.  
Blogger David Collett said...

Hey Rod,

Teach me some pick up lines that will make me as smooth as you.

8:21 p.m.  
Blogger H. Now said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

8:51 p.m.  
Blogger H. Now said...

Yeah, Dave, I could teach you my lines. But unless you've got what Rod Longfellow's got, it'd just be spilling seed on barren ground. So, first I need to know if you QUALIFY for my lines. Question one: how fast does your sportscar go? Question two: would you describe your chest hair as spilling forth from your shirt or raging over your collar? Question three: which does your musk smell more like, tiger semen or money? Answer these right, and maybe I'll let you in on some choice words that help the ladies realize how much they need, NEED, Rod Longfellow. RL.

8:52 p.m.  
Blogger David Collett said...

I cannot answer your questions. I concede my inadequacy to the Rod.


3:48 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4:28 a.m.  

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